Data Insights: Explosive Growth in King County Felony Traffic Crimes


King County Prosecutors from the Felony Traffic Unit are calling attention to an alarming increase in traffic fatalities and serious injury crashes.

As of May 2024, these specialized prosecutors were experiencing a 143% increase in felony-level traffic crime cases when compared to 2019. According to the data, the years 2019–2020 corresponded with a significant spike in deadly crashes in King County that has yet to subside.

Members of this team sat down with reporters last week to share how their unit, which was created in 2023 in response to this burgeoning public safety and public health crisis, is working to address this issue.

Amy Freedheim, Chair of the Felony Traffic Unit, Adam Eucker, Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Seattle; Hannah Godwin, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Kent (not pictured).

The Felony Traffic Unit, which is comprised of 3 attorneys, victim advocates, a restitution investigator, and paralegals, strives to bring accountability to offenders and a sense of justice to their victims.

These crimes devastate families and communities who too often lose loved ones forever, or are left contending with lifelong injuries.

For example, in 2022 there were 151 traffic fatalities in King County, a 94% increase compared to 2013. In addition, 2022 saw 709 serious injury crashes — a 561% increase compared to 2014.

The impact of these crimes are also experienced inequitably based on race and ethnicity, with a disproportionate impact on communities of color.

At the media briefing, the team shared what they have learned are key factors behind this serious increase in traffic fatalities and serious injuries. Contributors include an increase in drug alcohol and/or drug impairment, an increase in the number of drivers who hit walkers and bicyclists, and unrestrained (not wearing a seat belt) occupants.

Addressing these issues requires cooperation and collaboration between everyone interested in solving the problem, and the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is committed to doing our part to address this crisis.

Felony traffic crime should always be reported to law enforcement, and there are also additional resources available to the public, including:

WA Department of Licensing:

King County Traffic Safety Coalition:

Washington Traffic Safety Commission:



King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office

Written by King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office

A blog from King County’s elected Prosecutor, Leesa Manion.

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