Charges Filed in Des Moines Assault Case


The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office just rush filed a felony assault case against Amani Kaleb Brown, the man arrested in the recent Des Moines assault captured on video. King County prosecutors argued that he’s a danger to the community and should be held on $50,000 bail.

From the charging documents, just approved by a judge:

The [KCPAO] requests bail set in the amount of $50,000.00. CrR 2.2(b)(2)(i)(ii). This case has not had a first appearance so bail has not been addressed (it was unclear before the first appearance calendar that the victim suffered broken bones in his face, so the case was inadvertently stricken from the calendar).

The defendant viciously attacked the victim, a 62 year old employee of the Water District, who was on public property near the defendant’s residence. The victim and a co-worker were trying to locate a water main that was scheduled for replacement. The defendant, who is 27, 5; 10” and 230 lbs, yelled at the victim and his co-worker, and told them to get off his property — however they were on public easement property — and began to punch [the victim]. [His] co-worker … was trying to film the attack on his cell phone and the defendant turned his attention to [the co-worker, who] managed to get away from the defendant, and the defendant renewed his attack on [the victim]. [He] was down and apparently unconscious as the defendant continued to kick and hit him. This was an un-provoked attack on a public employee. [The victim] suffered a broken jaw, both orbitals are broken, as well as his nose.

The defendant is likely to commit another act of violence if he is free in the community. He was uncooperative at the time of arrest and at the jail. It took 4 officers to get the defendant into the patrol car and he spit at the arresting officers. We have no court services interview information to indicate that he has a stable living address or support. He is not likely to appear in response to a summons. He has a pending Hit and Run, Attended and a Reckless Driving in Normandy Park, with a 10/26/22 crime date.

We agree with Des Moines Police: someone who harms another person in this way should immediately be held accountable. Our office will continue working closely with Chief Ken Thomas and his department on this case and others.



King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office

Written by King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office

A blog from King County’s elected Prosecutor, Leesa Manion.

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